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5 Jan

I had coaches who believed in me

But that isn’t the issue; Palin has to be ready come January. McCain could drop dead the day after an election victory. Laura said Palin is not experienced enough now, and that is the issue that McCain and his advisers cintinually duck and dodge. I had coaches who believed in me. They suggested giving up hockey for one year to see how far I could make it. I had teammates who pushed me, teammates who I would later be travelling with on the World Cup circuit.

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Physically posing himself for the camera? Making faces? C Instead of attacking the host of the show he should have used his time wisely to bring the facts forward for the Martin family and the masses. Quite frankly, he wasted my time. He was just grand standing for himself.

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It doesn matter to me what he says. His actions have already spoken for him. He the biggest spender of all the big spenders who occupied the White House. TONY ABBOTT: And we are going to have a new childcare package which will be very good for people, more money in their pockets. We are going to have a new small business and jobs package with a small business tax cut. And I think all of these are the sort of focus on jobs and families that the Australian public wants.

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